Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lucy in the Psi with Diamonds

It took an inspired artist to draw this mind-blowing trippiness and two authors to pen it and still I have no idea what it's about (and this is after reading the jacket blurb) except to learn that someone is the prisoner of their own psychic powers. Is it the haloed dude with the expanding psinuses? Or perhaps Admiral Adama there on the left disguised as Chief Needsmoisturizer. Could it be the boyish girl with emerald eyes on the right? The dapper trio in the corner? Or is it the two-headed biker? (I know, I know - it just looks like a two-headed biker, but any excuse to link to a Ray Milland pic is one I'm taking) That leaves our central figure. Hmmmm, the only thing he's a prisoner of would be snazzy biker fashion...and I guess psilocybin. Feed your head with YA fiction, kids!


Adorabibble said...


Adorabibble said...

reminds me of some of my hallucinations!

Alan said...

Good God Biker Boy has a big head!

Beth said...

omg Bib, you hallucinate visions of Ray Milland, haha!!

Beth said...

Alan, who has the bigger head - Ray Milland or Rosie Grier? I must see that movie again, haha!