No, I am
not Joshua Bell. Gawd, why does everyone think I look like
him? It's so annoying. Even more annoying is my sister
Peggy. She thinks she's so cute and clever by referring to me as second fiddle of the family (hardy har, Pegleg) and saying stuff like "fiddle-dee-dee" when I ask her to please get her goddamn humongo accordion case off the goddamn table, it's blocking the goddamn TV, jeez! She's just sore because mom and dad make her take those dorky accordion lessons and I got to pick a cool instrument. So now she's always dissin' on my strings. Yeah, Pegasuck, like playing polka is all that! Well I'm not embarrassed to look you right in the eye and tell you that violin players are the hippest
cats in the whole friggin
world and
universe. So there, Square Peg!
A musical family!
... And no musical family is complete without a kazoo-playing grandfather. I would be very impressed if you managed to find a book cover with that on it.
Gosh, I love the image of the violin playing Darth Vader, Great. Picture Puzzle results have been posted. And I HAVE to get yours in the mail this weekend. Sorry, I think I am stratched blog thin and apologize, it is soon to be there.
Peggy and Josh - aka Beth and Ken!!
I resemble that remark, smart alek.
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